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OpenTox Online

Online Tutorials and Seminars

Online seminars and interactive tutorials on topics related to predictive toxicology are held using a virtual conferencing system supporting desktop sharing and voice.


Participation in online events involves no registration fee. Please complete the signup form at indicating which activities are of interest to you to participate in.

Online Seminars

Online seminars on topics related to in silico and in vitro predictive toxicology enable you to keep up with the latest developments in the field.


Online Tutorials allow attendees to learn about methods, and developing or using software applications.  Attendees may try out exercises and software online, ask for guidance and discuss their results.

The current list of planned tutorials is provided below.

1. Developer Tutorial (Wednesday 30 March, 15.00 CET) (download recording)

Learn how to build an OpenTox API compliant Web service (some acquaintance with Restlet and basic knowledge of the OpenTox REST API is necessary). (More...)

2. Predict the Toxicity of a Compound with ToxPredict (Wednesday 20 April, 15.00 CET)

Use the OpenTox application ToxPredict to predict the toxicity of a molecule, or to explore existing data in OpenTox. (More...)

3. Integrating OpenTox in Bioclipse (Wednesday, 25 May, 15:00 CEST) (download recording)

Hear about the integration of OpenTox in Bioclipse, complemented with hands-on tutorials showing how to take advantage of OpenTox functionality from within Bioclipse via the user interface and scripts.

4. Build a Predictive QSAR Model and Validate it (Thursday, 16 June, 15:00 CEST) (download recording)

Learn how to build, validate and examine QSAR models with the OpenTox application ToxCreate, as well as how to make predictions using the created model. (More...)

5. Validate your QSAR Model and Create a Report for Advanced Users (Wednesday, 22 June, 15:00 CEST) (download recording)

Learn how to use the validation services (using a number of different validation approaches such as k-fold split, training-test-split, or bootstrapping) and explore the reporting facilities (including generating QMRF reports) via web forms. (More...)


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