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Provides storage and search functionality for objects, defined in OpenTox services and relevant ontologies

REST operations

Description Method URI Parameters Result Status codes
Retrieve SPARQL query results

RDF representation of the query results 200,404,500
Predefined query to retrieve all models

RDF representation of all models

Predefined query to retrieve all endpoints GET


RDF representation of all endpoints

Predefined query to retrieve all algorithms

RDF representation of all algorithms

Submit SPARQL query  and/or OpenTox service URL

POST /ontology
uri[]=URL of a OpenTox RDF resource

RDF representation of the query results, if query is specified

if uri[] is specified, the server retrievea RDF representation and adds it to the RDF storage, thus making it available for the subsequent queries.

Any non-empty subset of parameters is valid (i.e. only query, only model_uri, query and algorithm_uri, etc.)

Mode of operation

The Ontology service provides RDF storage and SPARQL endpoint for objects, defined in OpenTox ontology and relevant (AlgorithmTypes , Blue Obelisk, ECHA endpoints

) ontologies. 

Algorithms, models, reports, validation, datasets (metadata) and features (if they are dependent and/or predicted variables only) can be registered, the resource owner decides which resources are published. After initial registration the ontology server refreshes resource metadata periodically. DELETE deregisters a service./p> The query interface is compliant with

The Ontology service adds new information to its storage, by retrieving RDF representation of OpenTox objects (e.g. Algorithm, Model, Feature, etc.) from OpenTox services. The URL of OpenTox services are either predefined, or obtained via parameters of GET/POST query, as described above.

A specific implementation of Ontology service may select to connect to a set of OpenTox services on regular intervals and retrieve updated RDF representation of OpenTox objects.


RDF representation defined in OpenTox API ontology

Supported MIME types


  • application/rdf+xml (default) 
  • application/sparql-results+xml


  • other RDF formats


HTTP status codes

Interpretation Nr Name
Success 200 OK
Wrong query syntax
404 Bad request

Internal server error
Error when retrieving RDF representation from specified URL




Retrieve all available Models

PREFIX ot:<>
PREFIX ota:<>
PREFIX owl:<>
PREFIX rdf:<>
PREFIX otee:<>
select ?x  
where {
?x rdf:type ot:Model

Given an endpoint, retrieve all relevant Models


1) Model1 has dependent variable Feature1

2) Feature1 is set to be owl:sameAs to

3) RDF representations of Model1, Feature1 and the ECHA endpoints ontology are all available via OpenTox Ontology service


PREFIX ot:<>
PREFIX ota:<>
PREFIX owl:<>
PREFIX rdf:<>
PREFIX otee:<>
select ?model ?target
where {
?model rdf:type ot:Model.
?target owl:sameAs otee:EndpointA.
?model ot:dependentVariables ?target.

Retrieve list of all Models and relevant endpoints


same as above


PREFIX ot:<>
PREFIX ota:<>
PREFIX owl:<>
PREFIX rdf:<>
PREFIX otee:<>
select ?model ?target ?endpoint
where {
?model rdf:type ot:Model.
?target owl:sameAs ?endpoint.
?model ot:dependentVariables ?target.


Register an OpenTox resource into an ontology service



An ontology service, running at http://localhost:8080/ontology

An OpenTox service, running at http://localhost:8080/ambit2/dataset/1 , to be registered into the ontology service

Optional: OpenSSO token (to access protected resources)

cURL command


curl -X POST -d "uri=http://localhost:8080/ambit2/dataset/1" http://localhost:8080/ontology \

Further examples in section "Registering data, algorithms and models; SPARQL query" of

Querying/Reasoning with Jena and SPARQL

Additional information

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