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Component description

One Feature consists of a compound id an optional conformer id and the value for a specific feature definition.

REST operations

Description Method URI Parameters Result Status codes
get the value for a specific feature GET /feature/compound/{cid}/feature_definition/{f_def_id}
text/xml -> xml representation of feature; text/plain -> text value of the feature 200,404,503
get the values for all features GET /feature/compound/{cid} -
xml representation of all features 200,400,404,503
get the value for all feature values for a given feature definition in a dataset GET /feature/dataset/{did}/feature_definition/{f_def_id} - xml representation of all features 200,404,503
get the value for all feature values for a given feature definition GET /feature/feature_definition/{f_def_id} - xml representation of all features 200,404,503
update the value for a specific feature  PUT  /feature/compound/{cid}/feature_definition/{f_def_id}  value  -  200,400,404,503
update the value for a specific feature  PUT  /feature/compound/{cid}/conformer/{cid}/feature_definition/{f_def_id}  value  -  200,400,404,503
save a new feature per compound  POST  /feature/compound/{cid}/feature_definition/{f_def_id}  value  URI of feature representation  200,404,503
save a new feature per conformer  POST  /feature/compound/{cid}/conformer/{cid}/feature_definition/{f_def_id}  value  URI of feature representation  200,404,503
save a new feature per conformer 
Adding a value for a new feature definition; needs to extend the Feature definition schema to incorporate full definition of Reference

 POST  /feature/compound/{cid}/conformer/{cid}  value, xml representation of feature def?  URI of feature representation  200,404,503
delete a feature  DELETE  /feature/compound/{cid}/feature_definition/{f_def_id}  -  -  200,404,503
TO BE DISCUSSED:Delete all instances from table features with feature_definition_id f_def_id and delete f_def_id in feature_definition  DELETE  /feature/feature_definition/{f_def_id}  -  -  200,404,503

HTTP status codes

Interpretation Nr Name
Success 200 OK
Feature for specific id not found 404 Not Found
Incorrect feature type 400 Bad request
Service not available 503 service unavailable

Feature XML representation

See XML schema definition for Feature object

Feature definition

Component description

A Feature definition is the description of a Feature. It contains the type of the feature from the Feature Ontology.

REST operations

Description Method URI Parameters Result Status codes
get description of a specific feature definition (includes reference_id) GET /feature_definition/{id} - xml representation of feature definition 200,404,503
create a new feature definition POST /feature_definition name: String, reference_id: String, type: String URI of new feature definition 200,400,404,503
delete a feature definition DELETE /feature_definition/{id} -
TO BE DISCUSSED: get a list of all available feature definitions
URI list of all available feature definitions
TO BE DISCUSSED: get a list of all available feature definitions for a specific compound
URI list of all available feature definitions for the given compound

TO BE DISCUSSED: It might not make sense to retrieve a list of all feature definitions on GET, because the number of results might be very large
TO BE DISCUSSED: when creating a new feature definition , we might allow to create the reference on the fly and specify reference name instead of id

HTTP status codes

Interpretation Nr Name
Success 200 OK
No feature definition found, or specific feature definition not found 404 Not Found
Incorrect parameters 400 Bad request
Service not available 503 service unavailable

Feature definition XML representation

See XML scheme for Feature Definition object

Feature service

Component description

Service for mapping Feature values to compounds or conformers and feature definitions.

REST operations

Description Method URI Parameters Result Status codes
Retrieve a specific feature for a compound using the default conformer GET /feature_service/compound/{compound_id}/featuredefinition/{feature_definition_id} - URI of the requested feature 200,404,503
Retrieve a specific feature for a compound for a specific conformer GET /feature_service/compound/{compound_id}/conformer/{conformer_id}/featuredefinition/{feature_definition_id} - URI of the requested feature 200,404,503

As the Feature service is not a "real" object only the GET method with the compound id (or specific conformer id) and the feature definition id in the URI makes sense here.

TO BE DISCUSSED: Could this be merged with compound & conformer objects with dropping the "/feature_service" part of the URI ?

HTTP status codes

Interpretation Nr Name
Success 200 OK
No feature found 404 Not Found
Service not available 503 service unavailable


Component description

Each feature definition has exactly one Reference. The Reference gives additional information on how the Features for this definition are created (experimental protocol or algorithm parameters).

REST operations

Description Method URI Parameters Result Status codes
read information on a specific reference GET /reference/{id} - xml representation of the reference 200,404,503
update information on a specific reference PUT /reference/{id} name:String, algorithm_id:String, parameters:String, experimental_protocol:String - 200,400,404,503
create a new reference POST /reference name:String, algorithm_id:String, parameters:String, experimental_protocol:String URI of new reference 200,400,404,503

HTTP status codes

Interpretation Nr Name
Success 200 OK
Incorrect parameters 400 Bad request
No reference found 404 Not Found
Service not available 503 service unavailable

Feature definition XML representation

See: XML scheme for Reference object

Document Actions