You are here: Home » Development » API » API 1.0 - archived version » Algorithm


Component description

REST operations

Description Method URI Parameters Result Status codes
Get URIs of all available algorithm categories GET /algorithm - list of algorithm category URIs 200,404,503

Get URIs of all available util algorithms GET /algorithm/util - list of all util algorithm URIs 200,404,503
Get representation for util algorithm with specific id (contains available parameters) GET /algorithm/util/{id} - xml representation of algorithm 200,404,503

Get URIs of all available preprocessing algorithm categories GET /algorithm/preprocessing - list of preprocessing algorithm category URIs 200,404,503
Get URIs of all available data cleanup algorithms GET /algorithm/preprocessing/datacleanup - list of all data cleanup algorithm URIs 200,404,503
Get representation for data cleanup algorithm with specific id (contains available parameters) GET /algorithm/preprocessing/datacleanup/{id} - xml representation of algorithm 200,404,503
Get URIs of all available discretization algorithms GET /algorithm/preprocessing/discretization - list of discretization algorithm URIs 200,404,503
Get representation for discretization algorithm with specific id (contains available parameters) GET /algorithm/preprocessing/discretization/{id} - xml representation of algorithm 200,404,503
Get URIs of all available normalization algorithms GET /algorithm/preprocessing/normalization - list of normalization algorithm URIs 200,404,503
Get representation for normalization algorithm with specific id (contains available parameters) GET /algorithm/preprocessing/normalizaion/{id} - xml representation of algorithm 200,404,503
Get URIs of all available feature selection algorithms GET /algorithm/preprocessing/featureselection - list of feature selection algorithm URIs 200,404,503
Get representation for feature selection algorithm with specific id (contains available parameters) GET /algorithm/preprocessing/featureselection/{id} - xml representation of algorithm 200,404,503

Get URIs of all available clustering algorithms GET /algorithm/clustering - list of clustering algorithm URIs 200,404,503

Get URIs of all available descriptor calculation algorithm categories GET /algorithm/descriptorcalculation - list of descriptor calculation algorithm category URIs 200,404,503
Get URIs of all available QC descriptor calculation algorithms GET /algorithm/descriptorcalculation/quantumchemical/ - list of quantumchemical descriptor calculation algorithm URIs 200,404,503
Get representation for descriptor calculation algorithm with specific id (contains available parameters) GET /algorithm/descriptorcalculation/quantumchemical/{id} - xml representation of algorithm 200,404,503
apply descriptor calculation algorithm to a dataset POST /algorithm/descriptorcalculation/quantumchemical/{id} dataset_uri, algorithm_parameters - 200,202,400,404,500,503
Get URIs of all available PC descriptor calculation algorithms GET /algorithm/descriptorcalculation/physicochemical/ - list of physicochemical descriptor calculation algorithm URIs 200,404,503
Get representation for descriptor calculation algorithm with specific id (contains available parameters) GET /algorithm/descriptorcalculation/physicochemical/{id} - xml representation of algorithm 200,404,503
apply descriptor calculation algorithm to a dataset POST /algorithm/descriptorcalculation/physicochemical/{id} dataset_uri, algorithm_parameters - 200,202,400,404,500,503
Get URIs of all available pattern mining based descriptor calculation algorithms GET /algorithm/descriptorcalculation/patternmining/ - list of pattern mining based descriptor calculation algorithm URIs 200,404,503
Get representation for descriptor calculation algorithm with specific id (contains available parameters) GET /algorithm/descriptorcalculation/patternmining/{id} - xml representation of algorithm 200,404,503
apply descriptor calculation algorithm to a dataset POST /algorithm/descriptorcalculation/patternmining/{id} dataset_uri, algorithm_parameters - 200,202,400,404,500,503
Get URIs of all available pharmacophore based descriptor calculation algorithms GET /algorithm/descriptorcalculation/pharmacophore/ - list of pharmacophore based descriptor calculation algorithm URIs 200,404,503
Get representation for descriptor calculation algorithm with specific id (contains available parameters) GET /algorithm/descriptorcalculation/pharmacophore/{id} - xml representation of algorithm 200,404,503
apply descriptor calculation algorithm to a dataset POST /algorithm/descriptorcalculation/pharmacophore/{id} dataset_uri, algorithm_parameters - 200,202,400,404,500,503
Get URIs of all available similarity/distance based descriptor calculation algorithms GET /algorithm/descriptorcalculation/simdist/ - list of similarity /distance based descriptor calculation algorithm URIs 200,404,503
Get representation for descriptor calculation algorithm with specific id (contains available parameters) GET /algorithm/descriptorcalculation/simdist/{id} - xml representation of algorithm 200,404,503
apply descriptor calculation algorithm to a dataset POST /algorithm/descriptorcalculation/simdist/{id} dataset_uri, algorithm_parameters - 200,202,400,404,500,503

Get URIs of all available learning algorithm categories GET /algorithm/learning - list of learning algorithm category URIs 200,404,503
Get URIs of all available classification algorithms GET /algorithm/learning/classification - list of classification algorithm URIs 200,404,503
Get representation for classification algorithm with specific id (contains available parameters) GET /algorithm/learning/classification/{id} - xml representation of algorithm 200,404,503
build classification model and get back model id/url POST /algorithm/learning/classification/{id} dataset_uri, algorithm_parameters URI for learned classification model 200,202,400,404,500,503
Get URIs of all available regression algorithms GET /algorithm/learning/regression - list of regression algorithm URIs 200,404,503
Get representation for regression algorithm with specific id (contains available parameters) GET /algorithm/learning/regression/{id} - xml representation of algorithm 200,404,503
build regression model and get model id/url POST /algorithm/learning/regression/{id} dataset_uri, algorithm_parameters URI for learned regression model 200,202,400,404,500,503

The operations PUT and DELETE are up to now not used in this component.
As clustering algorithms will not be available in the initial phase of the OpenTox framework they are only indicated here. As soon as they are introduced into the framework the API will be/has to be extended.

HTTP status codes

Interpretation Nr Name
Success 200 OK
No algorithm in the respective category found, or specific algorithm not found 404 Not Found
Incorrect dataset URI, or incorrect parameters 400 Bad request
Model building error 500 Internal Server Error
Model building in progress 202 Accepted
Service not available 503 service unavailable

Algorithm XML representation

See XML schema definition for Algorithm object

Document Actions

Algorithm training services

Posted by Sopasakis Pantelis at Sep 30, 2009 04:21 PM
According to the existing API the target feature definition is not provided as a POSTed parameter by the client when building a classification or regression model. A dataset may contain more than one toxicological/biological features of a chemical compound and models are trained with respect to single feature definition. So, I propose that this (target feature definition) should be an extra parameter.